Pele, Earthquakes and Vision

Today at 11:09 Hawaii time, an Earthquake occurred. I was told in no uncertain terms it was time to go into sacred space, for Pele had words for me.  I went and this is the words she left with me, which I share with you today.  Thank you to all who care and love this earth and each other in this great web of love and life.  bless

Pele, Earthquakes and VisionImage

An earthquake occurred here at 11:09 am Hawaii time.  I heard at that moment that at 11:11(am) something was to occur.  A cosmic shift was opening and I was instructed to go into sacred space and listen to the messages that were to happen.  As I journeyed, my spirit left my body and I was with the creation goddess, Pele.  She had been trying to get my attention, (there had been several earthquakes of smaller magnitude over  the past few days, including 5 today).  She said a new shift is upon those who seek enlightenment, for the cosmic consciousness is again preparing for an upgrade.  This is in alignment with the April 11 arrival of the Pleaidians, and is in divine right timing with the cosmos.  


‘It is time to choose your world.’ 


That is what was heard over and over as I leapt between worlds.  One world led me to the love that happens between a mother and her children.  This very special type of love, my children were shown to me as stars, with their children as stars and so on in a fractal-like pattern of love, light and harmony.  My heart melted in to the bliss of this moment, but also the bittersweet feeling of missing them so much, as they are not physically near, again, the blue tapestry of the sky with the golden stars showed me we are always connected, we are the very fabric of the sky.  This was also true to energies that were created that were not humans, ideas that are based in love and light.


Pele also showed me that the very same blue sky fabric with golden stars is what she wears as a robe when she is in the sky and not within the Earth producing the transformation and change with the fiery essence that is she.  That was surprising to me, as I previously had only seen her in the fiery glory that she embodies.  She reminded me again, not all is as it seems, for there are many dimensions of you as well,.  Few may know of these hidden attributes, yet they are a part of the fabric of who you are.  Again, I saw my children/stars, as well as the stars I have come from.  Pele showed me how I came from a part of the fire of her star, and reminded me once again that I am a ‘little Pele’, and there was a very maternal feeling associated with this experience.  It was almost like she was trying to tell me she is my mother, and her fire gives birth to all the stars, as well as the transformation that occurs upon this earth. 


Choose your world, your world is where you are.


She showed me the importance of grounding through the plant beings, her rich soil provides the lush growth due to the availability of the nutrients so close to their liquid lava origin.  Then the waterfalls came into view.  The plants provide the local cycle of water, with transpiration, evaporation, condensation, rain, nourishment, cleansing, springs and hope.  The cycle renews itself continuously, as does the earth, and as do those humans who resonate with the energy of the cycle of life and death, the impermanence of ‘life’ itself, which is the shell recycled as the soul moves through the various dimensions associated with that particular soul’s journey.  I was also shown more about psychic surgery, and that I will be doing more of it.  This is part of the new way to heal.  Love and kindness heals.  She was happy to see my pet companion, Lotus, on this journey along with me.


Each one is interdependent upon another, and all connected as well in the great web of life.  How precious is each drop of rain, each breath, the laughter in the air, and the thunderous roar of a rainstorm.  Lightning bridges the gap as it releases the nitrogen from the air and feeds the plants, making life more balanced, and bringing rainbows to reminds us of the sacredness of these natural cycles.  


Love is the unifying force, and is as important to healing as it is to growth, transformation and bonding.  You choose your life.  Where you are is where your world is.  You can change it at any minute.  You are moldable and changeable, transformation is continuous, and another cycle of upgrading of the human DNA is upon us.  The sacred Lumerian codes are starting another cycle of release, and subsequent upgrade.  Some will find this a gentle cradling of the mother, while others will feel it as a great storm.  It will happen no matter how hard one tries for it to not occur.   It is time. These codes will make a harmonious sound, like a melody, that uplifts and transforms.  When one begins to hear new sounds, know that the activation is upon you.  Many will feel this when the Pleadians come in April, although some are already beginning to feel it.


Through this upgrading of the DNA, one will become more compassionate, especially towards the sea and the earth, for the truth that they are one, along with you, will be revealed within ones essence that it is no longer theory, but reality.  You will begin to feel the plants, taste the sky and hear the seas.  These abilities have been dormant within you for eons, but it is now awakening, and may take some getting used too.


Take the time to take care of your physical vehicle, as well as  your spirit and your mind.  All are needed to be integrated in this new way of balance, of light, passion, and kindness.  Listen to the earth, for I speak through her, that is why the earth has quaked so much as of late.  Listen, and be still, and hear the still, small voice within you where I speak too.


My still voice talked to me about painting, in colors, shapes and knowing-nesses, I flew through other dimensions, some of which where familiar, some which were new.  Again, I heard her say ‘ your world is where you are’ in other words, be present, mindful and in the flow of the now.  Do not worry, do not fear, know you are an unlimited, creative being, sent here to help each other through these new times.  It is exciting, and as a pioneer of the outer worlds, together will lead the world through this time to be the best you can be. Nurture the children.  Teach them the ways of the earth, sky and seas.  Allow their creativity, and play to emerge.  Learn from them, for they are closer to the holy ones than those that have been on this earth longer.  Know you are making strides in your path even if things may at times seem stifled.  Great things are occurring.  Have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  Do your job well, for it makes you happy.  If it does not make you happy, change it.  You have that power to do so.


I have made my voice known.  I watch over those who are near to me, and I watch over you.  Go and bring joy to the world through my words.  Know you can change things at any time.  It is time to shape your reality as you wish it to be.  What is important to you?  Decipher that.  For what you care about shall emerge in your life.  Paint more from the spirit, let it guide your work.  You are coming into a new phase.  It is good.  You are creating it as you wish it to be.  Be mindful of your creations.  Be in the now, and honor all that is in your field, for it has something to teach you.  There are also lessons in those things that still bother you.  It is time to implement the changes you desire.  I am here to help, but you must do your part too.  Love is the binding force of eternity.  What, who and how do you love?  Love yourself and be kind to you.  That will resonate into all that are.  bless


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