Star Family Update – the Starship of Light

This is a most incredible time, since the Starship of Light first came in July.  It has been present throughout the super moons, and now its messages have come through.  In love and light,

Starkeepers, Linda and Reynolds

As channeled by Linda:

Starship of Light

The Starship of light has come and now left, leaving a trail of enlightenments in her wake.  When she first arrived, the illumination was offered, and many of you took part in ceremonies to honor the arrival of our star brethren.  This time has taken many of us by surprise, as there were many obstacles to overcome – as was told to us prior to the arrival.  Now that the ‘harvest moon,’ has passed, the starship, which was scheduled to leave with it, is remaining nearby.  For this past 2 months, there has been a great turmoil, with even galactic battles, which are very rare, occurring.  The star family express their great appreciation for all the prayers and energy sent their way, and to all the hot spots on this particular planet.  That being said, there were two times, when evacuation was being considered.  I was asked to ‘come home’ until things passed, but instead, the love, energy, and prayers overcame the urgent danger that we have all lived through.  It is no accident that it appears that world is in crisis – it is – but danger and opportunity also can create the new shift which is necessary to our evolution as a species of light.  Some of us let our guard down, and now we must be very clear that our prayers, love and energetic undertakings carry great weight – not only in this realm – but in the other realms as well.  The Christ light – that which is the Starship of Light – is the most potent of all.  This is pure, unconditional love from the highest of the divine, and is being poured upon all.  Those who are open to receive it are especially blessed.  It is time to examine the past two months – the time the StarShip of Light has been  present – what lessons have you learned?  Many were distracted by fear and are only now beginning to realize that illusion for what it is.  That does not mean that there are very real dangers out there – but the amount of love or fear that resides within you is your choice.  Which do you feed?  That is what will manifest.

There is a lot of forgiveness work that needs to be done.  Some need to forgive others, but ultimately one must forgive oneself.    You are loved and there is no need to continue to do things that harm you or anyone else.  Forgive yourself and love yourself and move on.  If you are living a double life, it is time to own up be honest and restore your soul.  Love is the only truth, and is the way to be healed.  Many people are in the throes of addictions, fears, mental conditions, or feel paralyzed by their life choice options.  You always have options, including doing nothing and staying right where you are.

Some have been asking in their spirit for a cleansing, a redemption, a healing, while not really knowing what to do or without proactively changing those behaviors that have brought on disrespect and dishonor to the land.  Some of these people in these areas have had so called ‘disasters’ take place, some have lost a lot, and some have realized that this was a necessary path for them to come back to their spiritual self.  Stuff will always be there, and you will always have what you need.  Perhaps not what you think your need, or what you think you want, but your needs will always be taken care of.  Trust is important here.  Do you trust that the Divine will take your needs seriously?  Do you know how loved you are?  Love is your birthright, and even if you do not get that love from other people, it still radiates within you – the Divine has put that energetic signature in you!  You have all that you need.  One must learn how to use such a powerful energetic stream as love, and it starts with trust.  Trust yourself to know when you are right – or not – and act accordingly.    Is there something you have been avoiding?  Your conscious will point you in the right direction – all have an inner gauge that knows right from wrong.  When you do what is right within your spirit one is light and free and unencumbered with guilt and shame – both which only serve to make one a prisoner within his or her self.

We are all given a new set of parameters to be with now.  The StarShip of Light (Christ’s light) is still here, and will be off to the horizon about 45 to 60 degrees.   Some will see it in the evening sky.  The Pleaideans will also be here soon, by the 21st of September, followed by the Andromedians.  The Arturians have been very busy protecting this planet and the Galactic Federation from the attacks which have now ceased.  In other words, our star family is here and will continue to be here.  You will continue to hear of natural disasters, but listen to the inner tunings to know what to do.  Your intuition has been heightened, it is what one needs to listen to to be able to thrive in this next wave of our evolution.  More light, more growth.

Respect for the natural environment, and for other living beings in general is of the highest priority.  Warriors of light know that Love is the greatest weapon, and it has many forms.  This can take place in the form of ceremonies, healings, chantings, going outside and picking up trash, educating others about the role of our living Earth and that we must love and respect all aspects of her to heal our species as well.  There are signs in the clouds and those will continue, look up and see what is there.

Many of you have had encounters during this time that have been very profound.  Dreams, visions, encounters with your star family, angels and guides has been common.  This will continue.  As you put forth your love, trust and respect, the vibration continues to encourage that interaction.  Remember this all comes from love.  Listen to your inner wisdom and discern all.  Love those who are having a hard time loving themselves.  And remember to love yourself.  You are a child of the most high, and as such, must remember that you are a reflection of that divinity.  This hologram of life ensures that as we radiate our love, respect and healing, that this will be reciprocated in the intention in which it is sent out.  Therefore, be of one mind of love, sending that love to any places that need it.  You are responsible for what your thoughts are.  Make them pure, holy and good.   The Christ is near and listening, and many of you have seen him and his angels.  They are here to protect, and to guide.  Do not be afraid, for this is what you have desired in the deepest part of your soul.  You have manifested this desire and now it is time to own it.  Share your love with others, but do not judge or push your agenda.  Vibrate the aura of divine love and compassion to all, including yourself.  This is a time of reflection until the next ship comes.  Enjoy this time, and honor it to change what may need to be changed, and to just be grateful for the experience of the divine love that animates this world we live in.  Shift your focus and you will see that.  Blessings and love from the StarShip of Light and all those who watch over you.  You are loved, go forth and love as well.  bless.

Happy Mothers Day – link to the new video here too!

I was awakened this morning at 4:44 am and heard “Linda, go outside, this is to remember where you come from.”  I went outside, and looked up, finding myself in the middle of the milky way galaxy, larger and brighter than I had ever seen.  This ethereal scene was echoed in my spirit as I found myself at one with all the stars in the sky, knowing that this is not only my origin, but the origin of us all.  Yesterday, Reynolds and I did a follow up filming to a video that was shot in December in Waipio Valley.  We had discussed the pyramid that is there, along with other sightings and mystical aspects of this most holy place – this sacred valley.  My Star family (Pleiadeans) had told me they would be there that day, as there was a paradigm shift that was to occur.  As I felt their presence near, Reynolds began to call them. I was told they would show up, and told the guys to get their camera.  They would not be visible in the third dimension, but could be revealed through their lenses.  The people filming this were watching their every move, as they did not think anything would show up.  Their shock and disbelief soon began to turn towards a paradigm shift of enlightenment when the images revealed themselves that evening.  The light, love and compassion that was shown by our Star family that evening was so beautiful, as I relive it as this is written, the joy bubbles through my spirit still.  This was apparently too much for this cable network to air, hence it is being aired now through Third Phase of Moon.  The Pleiadeans have been very nearby lately as well.  The healers of the multiverse, their message is one of peace, healing, light, love, compassion and sacred sounds.  The sound of the universe.  The Milky Way was so close last night I felt I could nearly touch it, and today while snorkeling, the multiple colorful fishes chewing on the coral, making more sand, was reminding us again of the interconnected web of life that we are all part of.  Just like the multiple grains of sand and the multitude of stars are vast and interconnected,  so are we in the web of life’s dance in unison to the heartbeat of the multiverse.  With this, all I could think of was “thank you” to the Great Mother of us all, the Stars, and our mother Earth with all her beauty and bounty, grace and agility.  Thank you dear mother, and Happy Mother’s Day to all.  bless

You may view the video here at:

let us know what you think.  

Love from Starkeepers, LInda and Reynols